
Kashmiri Rista: A Delicious and Spicy Meatball Curry

Kashmiri Rista

Table of content

    • Introduction

    • Ingredients

    • Method

    • Nutritional information

    • Cooking time

    • Tips

    • Conclusion


Kashmiri Rista is a succulent and racy meatball curry that's full for a downtime mess.  The meatballs are made with ground angels, fragrances, and sauces, and they're twisted in a gravy that's made with onions, tomatoes, and fragrances. The Rista is generally served with rice or naan chuck.

  • Step


    • Preparing the ingredients

    • 15 minutes

    • Mixing the Rista mixture

    • 10 minutes

    • Shaping the Rista

    • 15 minutes

    • Browning the Rista

    • 15 minutes

    • Cooking the Rista in the gravy

    • 30 minutes

    • Total time

    • 1 hour


  • Preparing the ingredients
  • Mixing the Rista mixture
  • Shaping the Rista
  • Browning the Rista
  • Cooking the Rista in the gravy


  • 1-pound ground angel
  • 1 onion, finely diced
  • cloves garlic, diced
  • tablespoon gusto, diced
  • tablespoon garam masala
  • 1 tablespoon ground coriander
  • 1 tablespoon ground cumin
  • 1 tablespoon turmeric greasepaint
  • tablespoon red chili greasepaint
  • tablespoon ground black pepper
  • tablespoon swab
  • mug diced cilantro
  • Vegetable oil painting, for frying
  • mug diced onions
  • 2 tomatoes, diced
  • mug water
  • mug yogurt( voluntary)


  1. In a voluminous coliseum, combine the ground angel, onion, garlic, gusto, garam masala, coriander, cumin, turmeric grease paint, red chili grease paint, black pepper, and swab. integrate well to combine.
  2. Shape the angel admixture into fragile meatballs, about 1 point in the periphery.
  3. Toast the oil painting in a voluminous skillet over medium heat. append the meatballs and bend until browned on all sides.
  4. Remove the meatballs from the skillet and set away.
  5. Append the onions to the skillet and bend until devitalized about 5 twinkles.
  6. Append the tomatoes and bend until they're soft and wet about 5 twinkles.
  7. Append the water and bring it to a pustule.
  8. Reduce the heat to low and poach for 10 twinkles.
  9. wash in the yogurt( if utilizing) and the meatballs.
  10. Cook for a fresh 10 twinkles, or until the meatballs are twisted throughout and the gravy has thickened.
  11. Garnish with cilantro and serve with rice or naan chuck.






38.45 g

Saturated fat

15.42 g

Polyunsaturated fat

7.18 g

Monounsaturated fat

8.85 g


2.95 g


1.02 g


0.93 g


46.92 g


83.13 mg


696.53 mg


385.52 mg


3.69 mg


1.80 mg


0.45 mg


391.83 mg

Nutritional information

Calories A serving of Kashmiri Rista( around 1 mug) generally contains around 350 calories.

Fat Kashmiri Rista is a fairly high-fat dish, with around 15 grams of redundancy per serving. The utmost of the redundancy in Kashmiri Rista comes from the ground angel, but there's also some redundancy from the oil painting exercised to bend the meatballs and the yogurt exercised in the gravy.

Protein Kashmiri Rista is a good source of protein, with around 20 grams per serving. The protein comes from the ground angel.

Carbs Kashmiri Rista is fairly low in carbs, with around 10 grams per serving. The carbs come from the onions, tomatoes, and yogurt exercised in the gravy.

grittiness Kashmiri Rista is a good source of grittiness, with around 5 grams per serving. The grittiness comes from the onions and tomatoes exercised in the gravy.

cooking time 

The cuisine time for Kashmiri Rista varies depending on the size of the meatballs and the heat of the cookstove. still, it generally takes around 30 twinkles to bend the meatballs and another 10 twinkles to bend the gravy. consequently, the grand cuisine time for Kashmiri Rista is generally around 40 twinkles.

Kashmiri Rista

Then are some fresh tips for making Kashmiri Rista

  1. Exercise ground angel that's at least 80 spares. This will support keeping the Rista wettish and scrumptious.
  2. Do not overmix the angel admixture. Overmixing can make the meatballs tough.
  3. Be sure to brown the meatballs on all sides before adding them to the gravy. This will support sealing in the authorities and help them from getting dry.
  4. Still, you can exercise heavy cream or coconut milk, If you do not have yogurt.
  5. Acclimate the quantum of fragrancies to your taste. However, append further chili greasepaint, If you like your food spicy. However, append lower chili greasepaint, If you prefer milder air.
  6. For richer air, you can brown the onions and tomatoes in ghee rather than oil painting.
  7. You can also add other vegetables to the gravy, similar to potatoes, carrots, or peas.
  8. Still, you can exercise heavy cream or coconut milk, If you do not have yogurt.
  9. Acclimate the quantum of fragrancies to your taste.


Kashmiri Rista is further than precisely a dish – it's a festivity of centuries-old culinary traditions, a reflection of the region's artistic diversity, and a corroboration to the art and art of Kashmiri culinarians. 

With its elaborate mix of fragrancies, tender meatballs, and rich, saffron-invested gravy, Kashmiri Rista is a masterpiece that continues to allure and delight those fortuitous enough to witness its flavors. consequently, the coming time you seek to sail on a culinary adventure, call indulging in the sensitive gas that's Kashmiri Rista.

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